In a heartwarming celebration of love, NFL star Jason Kelce and his wife Kylie marked their wedding anniversary with a touching gesture that melted hearts...
In a surprising turn of events, Randi Martin, the mother of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, has sparked rumors of a new romance after...
In a delightful turn of events, the latest episode of the “New Heights” podcast hosted by NFL stars Travis and Jason Kelce welcomed none other...
Travis Kelce is counting his blessings. The Kansas City Chiefs tight end admitted in Wednesday’s episode of his “New Heights” podcast that he...
Audio from Jason’s interview shows he immediately says he’s ‘joking’ about having the insider information on his brother’s rumored romance Jason Kelce got...
The drunk driving crash put a 5-year-old girl in a coma and left her with traumatic brain injury KANSAS City Chiefs coach Andy...
The head coach spoke about Kelce during the NFL owner’s meeting in Florida In the wake of Jason Kelce’s retirement from the NFL,...
The never-ending line wrapped down 40th Street and up 39th Street until it hit Landis Avenue in what appeared to be an E-shaped hug around...
MIKE Danna has penned a multi-year contract extension with the Kansas City Chiefs. The defensive end agreed to a three-year, $24 million deal...
The queen consort’s appearance at the Royal Maundy Service made history. Queen Consort Camilla has made history with her latest public appearance. Camilla...